【性/別詞語字典 SGCG Dictionary】無自我性戀/無自我浪漫傾向 Aegosexual/Aegoromantic (n.; adj.) #SGCGedu

Aegosexual/aegoromantic 是無性戀光譜中的傾向之一。綜合 LGBTQ+ 社群網站 Taimi 的描述,aegosexual/aegoromantic 是指對性/浪漫的概念有興趣,但不渴望參與其中的人。

Aegosexual/aegoromantic is an orientation in asexual spectrum. To integrate the definitions share in LGBTQ+ community website Taimi, it refers to those who enjoy the idea of sex/romance but have no intention to participate.

前綴aego合併自拉丁文中代表「沒有」的 a 和「自我」的 ego,換言之他們的性傾向/浪漫傾向中沒有「自己」的存在。

The term “aego” is made up of Latin words “a” and “ego”, literally means “without self”. In other words, they do not include themselves in their sexual/romantic orientation.


無論自身能感受性/浪漫的吸引力與否,也能屬於 aegosexual/aegoromantic 的一份子。

They usually like the idea of sex/romance, and might have fantasies in sex/romance of people other than themselves. However, they just act as observers, rather than participants.

One can be identified as aegosexual/aegoromantic, no matter they experience sexual/romantic attraction or not.

Aegosexual 的定義最早出現於心理學家 Bogaert 在2012年發表的論文當中。Bogaert 認為aegosexual 是性偏離,有違無性戀的身份,故把這類型的性傾向命名為 autochorissexualism,即「沒有身份的性傾向」。

後來 Tumblr 用戶 Sugar-and-Spite 提出改以 aegosexual 代替 autochorissexual。由於後者帶負面意思,也較難發音,無性戀社群便開始改用 aegosexual。

The idea of aegosexual was first introduced by psychologist Bogaert in 2012, with a different name “autochorissexualism” (identity-less sexuality). He classified autochorissexualism as a paraphilia which disconnect with the identity of asexual.

Later, a Tumblr user Sugar-and-Spite proposed to use “aegosexual” instead. As  “autochorissexual” may associate to negative meaning and is hard to pronouce, the term “aegosexual” is generally welcomed and preferred in the asexual community.

(1) Taimi https://taimi.com/wiki/aegosexual-what-is-it-what-does-it-mean
(2) LGBTQIA+ wiki https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Asexual_spectrum#Aegosexual
(3) Bogaert, A. F. (2012). Asexuality and autochorissexualism (identity-less sexuality). Archives of Sexual Behavior 41, 1513-1514. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-012-9963-1

Appentix: 4 definitions of aegosexual integrated in Taimi | Taimi 中提到的四個 aegosexual 定義

* 喜歡性的概念和與性有關的媒體內容,但從未對性感到吸引或渴望與別人發生性行為
likes the idea of sex and sexual content but does not experience attraction or wants to have sex with other people

* 享受性關係的概念但不渴望主動參與
enjoys the idea of sexual relationships but does not want to be active in one

* 能感受性的吸引力或有性慾,但不希望自己參與在內
experiences attraction and desire but does not involve themselves

* 單純地不想參與在性行為之中
simply does not want to participate in sex

文、譯 - Kaya