【性/別詞語字典 SGCG Dictionary】無性戀 Asexuality (n.) #SGCGedu


Found in 2001, the largest asexual online community AVEN defines asexual as “a person who does not experience sexual attraction.” Asexuality is an unbrella term, which includes hetero-romantic, homo-romantic, bi-romantic, and aromantic who could not experience both sexual and romantic attraction. Though asexuals rarely experience sexual attraction, they can still be attracted romantically, affectionally or aesthetically. 


According to the level of sexual attraction experienced by asexuals, there are additional forms of identification fall on the area between the asexual-sexual spectrum. Grey asexual (Grey-A) refers to a person who has low frequency to experience sexual attraction; Demi-sexual refers to the one who only experience sexual attraction to specific people when mutual affective bonds are developed.


Since asexuality is spectral and fluid, it broadens our understanding of sexuality and forms of attraction, and allows different people to identify with the one (or more) that best describes themselves.

延伸閱讀 Further Readings:

Brotto LA, Knudson G, Inskip J, et al. (2010) Asexuality: A mixed methods approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior 39(3): 599–618.

Carrigan M (2011) There’s more to life than sex? Difference and commonality within the asexual community. Sexualities 14(4): 462–478.

Scherrer KS (2008) Asexual identity: Negotiating identity, negotiating desire. Sexualities 11(5): 621–641.


